Project Management and Implementation

EU Values Education Through Music

Partner Meetings

During the course of the project we have successfully conducted 21 Bimonthly partner meetings, demonstrating our commitment to continuous communication and active participation between all consortium members. From planning our project results, preparing for youth exchanges, to sharing feedback about each other's songs, these meetings have provided a platform for partners to exchange updates, discuss project progress, and share knowledge and ideas. 

A screen shot of the Songs For Change Online Partners Meeting, featuring the beautifully designs covers of the Project Results booklet, happening on zoom with project partners from Youth Organisations around Europe.

Youth Leader Meetings

With our Youth Leader Meetings we aim to foster collaboration, share insights, and empower the next generation of change-makers with a specific focus on youth engagement into the project implementation. In these meetings, the youth leaders from the different country groups are gathering and exchanging ideas about the project's implementation, cultivating leadership skills, and collectively shaping a brighter future through Songs for Change.

A group of youth leaders celebrating their achievements of learning about Eu values, the human rights education through music.
A young youth leader presenting on advocacy, Eu values and human rights education through music.

Kick Off Meeting

In June 2022, we had our first kick-off meeting between the seven partners, who all  work in the field of youth and community empowerment or musical and non-formal education: YEPP Italia (Italy), Association for a Better Life (Slovakia), Network for Children's Right (Greece), Out of the Box (Belgium), Young Educators (Portugal), Het Wilde Westen (Netherlands) and YEPP EUROPE (Germany).

A screenshot of the Songs For Change Online Partners Meeting, featuring all participants of the consortium of Europe based NGOs focused on youth empowerment.